IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: Forecasting Inflation in Chile Using State-Space and Regime-Switching Models
Author/Editor: Nadal-De Simone, Francisco
Series: Working Paper No. 00/162
Date: October 01, 2000
Subject(s): Inflation | Chile | Economic models
Title: Currency Crisis and Contagion - Evidence from Exchange Rates and Sectoral Stock Indices of the Philippines and Thailand
Author/Editor: Nagayasu, Jun
Series: Working Paper No. 00/39
Date: February 01, 2000
Subject(s): Financial crisis | Philippines | Thailand | Exchange rates
Title: Taxes and Tradable Permits as Instruments for Controlling Pollution: Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Norregaard, John ; Reppelin-Hill, Valérie
Series: Working Paper No. 00/13
Date: January 01, 2000
Subject(s): Taxes | Environment